10 Articles tagged with "migration"
Why do juvenile Wood Thrushes make long-distance pre-migratory movements across a fragmented landscape?PDF
Contrasting migratory chronology and routes of Lesser Scaup: implications of different migration strategies in a broadly distributed speciesPDF
Light-level tracking of Northern Waterthrush (Parkesia noveboracensis): lessons learned from wintering ground deploymentsPDF
Shifts in breeding distribution, migration timing, and migration routes of two North American swift speciesPDF
Using song dialects to reveal migratory patterns of Ruby-crowned Kinglet populationsPDF
Evaluating two avian monitoring tools for detecting relative abundance of species during autumn migrationPDF
Refinements in adipose tissue biopsy collection in shorebirds: effect on pain, wound healing, and mass gainPDF
The strength of migratory connectivity in Painted Buntings is spatial scale dependent and shaped by molting behaviorPDF
Rushing in the spring and relaxing in the fall: seasonal and sex-specific migration profiles of DunlinPDF
Community science reveals biennial irruptive migration in the White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis)PDF