Journal of
Field Ornithology
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JFO: 100 years of continuous publication history about birds (by people who study them)!
Impact Factor: 0.7
Ranked 19th of 29 ornithology journals (2023 Clarivate Analytics: Ornithology)
Published on behalf of the Association of Field Ornithologists, Journal of Field Ornithology publishes original articles that emphasize the descriptive or experimental study of birds in their natural habitats. Articles depicting general techniques, emphasizing conservation, describing life history, or assessing published studies or existing ideas are appropriate. The Journal is especially interested in field studies conducted in the tropics and those involving participation by nonprofessional ornithologists.
JFO welcomes original articles that emphasize the descriptive or experimental study of birds in their natural habitats. Articles describing techniques or methodological refinements must have relevance beyond a single species or study system. Contributions are encouraged from throughout the world but must be written in English. JFO is especially interested in studies conducted in the Neotropics and those involving participation by nonprofessional ornithologists.
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This journal provides open access to all of its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
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Online ISSN:1557-9263
© Association of Field Ornithologists
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