Volume 95, Issue 2
Jun 2024
Avian Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution
Observations of the territorial behavior of the Prothonotary Warbler: male within- and between-season relocations, polyterritoriality, and the role of extraterritorial explorations PDF
Cultural shifts after punctuated environmental stress: a study of song distributions in Dark-eyed Junco and Song Sparrow populations PDF
The Amur Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone incei) with distinct male dichromatism: implications for nest-site selection and nesting success PDF
Use of space by urban Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus) as a window into habitat suitability PDF
Nest usurpation and adult mortality in a secondary cavity-nesting songbird PDF
Why do juvenile Wood Thrushes make long-distance pre-migratory movements across a fragmented landscape? PDF
House Sparrows Passer domesticus increase in body size and dorsal feather insulation along a Himalayan elevational gradient PDF